Tobacco companies use menthol to make their products smoother and better tasting, making it easier for us to start and harder for us to quit.
Menthol is not just a flavor, it attracts and addicts us. There's nothing just about that.
"Today's teenager is tomorrow's potential regular customer"
Tobacco companies spend enormous resources tracking the behaviors and preferences of youth under the age of 21 in order to get young people to start smoking
Learn More- R.J. Reynolds Executive
Based on July 25, 1989 Congressional testimony of the former "Winston Man" for Winston Cigarettes.
We agree that there is nothing just about menthol. And it's time to end this injustice.
Free Support Available to Become and Stay Tobacco-Free
The New York State Smokers' Quitline is a confidential service for all New York State residents who wish to overcome tobacco use, including e-cigarettes.
Free offerings include individualized coaching and assistance with quit-planning from highly trained Quit Coaches, text and chat support and free shipping of stop-smoking medications such as nicotine patches or nicotine gum for those 18 and older. Residents of all ages may contact the Quitline for support and educational materials. In addition, the Quitline encourages teens and young adults (ages 13-24) to text "DROPTHEVAPE" to 88709 to join This Is Quitting, a free texting support program for help with quitting vaping.
Visit anytime for more information or call 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487) seven days a week, beginning at 9 a.m.
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